Hannah Fury
Знам че не е метъл, обаче не исках да цъфне между Риана и Тимбърлейк. И тъй като текстовете и звученето на певицата предразполагат към меланхолия реших, че най - добре ще е да я пусна тук. Липсва бруталния инструментал с който са прославени представителите на този жанр, но докато я слушате няма как да не ви се стори че пее призрак. Интересен факт - певицата никога не е пяла на живо.
Уики Инфо : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_Fury
Official Website : http://www.mellowtraumatic.com/
SONG: NO MAN ALIVE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOD2A4yVv_s
"...There's no man alive that has what I need
So give me a man that I can breathe
There's no man alive that has what I want
So give me a man that I can haunt..."SONG: The Necklace of Marie Antoinette - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is5yYjgGG7o
"I'll make it look like an accident
I'll make it look like he was trying to hurt me
I'll make it seem like I was innocent
I'll make him wish he had never met me..."SONG: Girls that glitter love the dark - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ornpPU2K6D4&feature=related
"Girls that glitter love the dark
We lace it through our bitter, black little hearts
And then we feign surprise when we see
That those we've loved to love
Have seeped into our poisoned blood..."SONG : CARNIVAL JUSTICE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMOjbfhMKr4&feature=related
"Step right up and get what you deserve
Oh, what a prize!
Yeah, it's her
And if you think you scored your vision must be blurred
Welcome one and all to the Theater of the Absurd..."